You’ve heard the expression “money is the root of all evil.” But have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, it’s not money itself that’s the problem, but how we think about money?
In this blog post, we’ll share some of the most common money blocks and how to overcome them. So read on – your bank account will thank you!
What Are Money Blocks?
Money blocks are a form of self-sabotage that can prevent you from becoming financially successful. Money blocks can be subconscious processes in our minds stemming from a deep-rooted belief system about money. These wrong beliefs about money can also come from outside sources, such as family or friends who are pessimistic about money.
Subconscious Money Blocks
They are negative beliefs or attitudes that keep you from taking action or making decisions that could improve your financial situation. Many people don’t realize that many of our thoughts and beliefs are subconscious as we are unaware of them. For example, some people have a money block that prevents them from saving money because they believe they can never have enough. Others might avoid investing in their future because they think it’s too risky.
Most of us are programmed early on to believe certain things about money. For many of us, money is a taboo topic. We don’t like to talk about it and don’t like to think about it.
Some of us watched our parents fight about money all the time, and we may hold a limiting belief that money brings unhappiness. But the truth is, our relationship with money can significantly impact our lives. If we’re not careful, money can become a significant source of stress and anxiety.
On the other hand, if we can overcome our money blocks and develop a healthy relationship with money, it can be a powerful tool to help us achieve our dreams.
So, what are some of the most common money blocks? Let’s take a look:

1. Limiting Beliefs
One of the biggest obstacles to achieving your own financial success is our money beliefs. Whether it’s negative self-talk (“I’m never going to be able to save enough”) or subconscious money blocks (“rich people are greedy”).
Limiting money beliefs can hinder us from achieving financial success because we’re unaware of them. It can be perilous when it comes to money because we’re unaware that they’re affecting our decision-making and holding us back from financial well-being.
2. Fear of Failure
One of the most common money blocks is the fear of failure. It can manifest as a belief that you’re not good enough, that you don’t deserve success, or that you’ll never be able to achieve your goals.
This fear can be debilitating, leading you to give up before you even start. Alternatively, it can cause you to sabotage your efforts, ensuring you never reach your full potential.
The key to overcoming failure fears is understanding that it’s just a bluff. Your subconscious mind is trying to protect you from perceived danger, but in reality, there’s nothing to fear.
3. Fear of Success
Fear of success is often rooted in a lack of self-belief. We tell ourselves we’re not good enough or don’t deserve money.
This type of thinking makes us have low expectations about ourselves and feel stuck in our current situation. If you want to break through this fear, increasing your self-belief is essential.
4. Belief That Money Brings Happiness
For many people, happiness seems to be inextricably linked to money. More specifically, they believe that they need more money to be happy.
This belief is often based on the false assumption that people with more money are automatically happier than those with less. However, numerous studies have shown that this is not true. There is very little correlation between income and happiness levels.
So if you’re currently feeling unhappy, it’s unlikely that winning the lottery or getting a big raise will suddenly make you feel better.
5. Money Status
Some people think of money as a means to achieve a certain societal status. This belief can lead people to chase after material possessions or social status instead of pursuing things that make them happy or fulfilled.
People with this money block think they can use the money to gain respect from people. They may also cause people to value others based on how much money they have or what kind of job they have instead of judging them by their character or accomplishments.
If you think of money as a status symbol, you will overspend to impress others even if you cannot afford it.
6. Worshipping Money
There’s no denying that money is essential. It can buy the things we need and want in life, giving us a sense of security. However, some people take their love of money a step too far.
For these people, money becomes an obsession, and they will do whatever it takes to acquire more money. This dangerous mindset is often referred to as “money worship.”
People who worship money are usually driven by greed and a desire for power. They may stop at nothing to make a quick buck, even if it means taking advantage of others or breaking the law.
And because they place such a high value on money, they often have trouble maintaining healthy relationships.
Money worshippers think that money will solve all their problems. They, however, never think they can have enough money for all their desires. As soon as they make any money, they spend it, most of them in debt.
7. Excessive Optimism About Earning Money
One of the most popular New Age beliefs is that we are all connected to a force of energy that governs our financial success. This energy, they say, can be blocked by negative thoughts and emotions. As a result, many believe staying positive is essential to attract money.
While it’s true that a positive attitude can be helpful, there’s also a dark side to this belief. People become obsessive and even desperate when they become too focused on attracting money.
They may start taking risks they can’t afford or making financial decisions based on fear instead of logic. It can lead to financial ruin, not abundance. The bottom line is that while staying positive is essential, it’s also important to be realistic about money.
8. Working Too Hard to Earn Money
We have always been under the impression that earning money is hard. Most of us can remember our parents telling us we must work hard to make money or they didn’t have enough money to buy us what we wanted.
These messages stick with us, and we begin to believe that if we wanted to earn money, we would have to work extra hard.
This belief has held many of us back in life. We are always afraid to take risks because we feel that we would not be able to earn enough money if we failed. This fear has prevented many people from achieving some of their goals.
However, you should realize this belief is not entirely true. There are many ways to earn money, and not all require much hard work. Look for opportunities around you, and start taking advantage of them.
9. Money Avoiders
People who believe that money is evil tend to engage in money avoidance. They may view wealthy people as greedy or selfish, thinking that having a lot of money will ultimately lead to unhappiness.
People with this belief often have a hard time managing their finances. They may live paycheck to paycheck because they’re afraid to save or invest their money.
They may also have difficulty spending money, even on things they need. It can lead to financial problems down the road.
How Do I Know I Have a Money Block?
Something may be holding you back if your financial situation isn’t what you want.
There are several ways to tell if you have abundance blocks by taking this money block quiz.
- How do you feel when you think about or handle money? Do you feel anxious or uncomfortable?
- Do you avoid financial conversations or make excuses not to look at your bank statements?
- Are you consistently struggling to make ends meet or failing to save as much as you’d like?
- Are you consistently living paycheck to paycheck?
- Do you have a hard time paying your bills on time?
- Do you tend to spend by impulse whenever you have extra cash?
If you’re unsure whether or not you have a money block, consider talking to a therapist or financial coach who can help you explore your relationship with money.
Effects of Money Blocks
If you believe you’re not worthy of achieving financial success, you will likely sabotage your success and always feel stuck.
You will keep getting the same outcomes. Additionally, this belief can lead to financial problems down the road. Some effects of money blocks are:
Guilt – When you have a money block, you might feel guilty about spending money on yourself or others. You might think that you don’t deserve to have nice things or that you should hoard your money for a rainy day. It can lead to financial stress and anxiety.
Fear – Money blocks can also cause you to feel fear around money. You might be afraid of becoming debt-ridden or not having enough money to cover your expenses. This fear can prevent you from taking risks or making investments that enable you to enjoy an abundant life.
Procrastination – If you have a money block, you might procrastinate regarding financial planning or decision-making. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed about your finances.
Avoidance – Another common effect of money blocks is money avoidance. You might avoid discussions about money or avoid looking at your bank statements. It can make it hard to make sound financial decisions and lead to more financial stress.
Indecision – Money blocks can also cause indecision regarding financial matters. You might hesitate to make significant purchases or investments, resulting in lost opportunities and potential regret later.
Perfectionism – Perfectionism is another common effect of money blocks. You might feel like you need to have everything just so you can spend or save money wisely. It can lead to analysis paralysis and inaction overall.
Comparison – Comparing yourself to others on financial matters is another common side effect of having money blocks. You might feel like you’re not doing as well as your friends or family members, leading to envy and feelings of inadequacy.
Feelings of shame – People with money blocks feel ashamed of their financial situation. They might think they’re not good with money or not worthy of having more wealth.
Lack of clarity – Money blocks can also lead to a lack of clarity around your finances. You might not know how much debt you have, your monthly expenses, or how much savings you should have.
Difficulty manifesting – Lastly, if you have trouble manifesting wealth, it could be because of an underlying money block. Maybe you don’t believe that you deserve abundance, or perhaps you think that wealthy people are somehow “bad.”
If any of these sound familiar, don’t worry! There are ways to heal your relationship with money so that you can clear out these subconscious barriers and start living the life of abundance that YOU deserve!
How to Remove Money Blocks
The good news is that you can release money blocks and create a new reality for yourself. With time and practice, you can begin letting go of your old money mindset and achieve financial success. Here is a guide on removing money blocks:
1. Identify Your Money Blocks
The first step to remove money blocks is identifying them. Once you know what they are, you can start to work on overcoming them. It might mean changing your mindset, developing new habits, or eliminating toxic relationships. Whatever it takes, breaking through your own money blocks will help you achieve a better life.
It may require some outside help, whether it’s therapy, a financial coach, or simply talking to a friend with a more positive relationship with money. Once we break through these barriers, we open up a whole world of possibility.
2. Recognize Your Earliest Money Memories
We must be aware of these money blocks and parental programming regarding our finances. Think back to your earliest money memory. What do you see? Do you see yourself counting out allowances and stacking up bills?
Maybe you see yourself opening a piggy bank or going through your parents’ wallets. Whatever the image, it’s likely that this memory has a lot to do with how you think about money today.
If you see money as something to hoard, you may be prone to save excessively. If you see money as something to spend quickly, you may find yourself in debt.
Our relationship with money is deeply ingrained, and it can be hard to change our spending habits without first recognizing the underlying thoughts and emotions that drive our choices.
You can start making changes to help build a healthier relationship with money.
3. Begin to Challenge Your Old Beliefs
Once you identify your money blocks, you can start to challenge and replace them with new beliefs. For example, if you believe you cannot achieve financial success, remind yourself that everyone deserves to be prosperous.
If you’re afraid of success, remind yourself that you can handle whatever comes your way. So don’t wait any longer!
If you believe that money is evil, it’s important to challenge this belief. Money is neutral; it’s neither good nor bad. It’s what you do with it that matters.
You can use the money to improve your life and the lives of others. You can also use it to buy things that you don’t need or that will ultimately make you unhappy. The choice is up to you.
With time and practice, you can begin to let go of your old money mindset and create a new reality for yourself – one where financial abundance is possible.
4. Embrace EFT Tapping
EFT Tapping is a powerful tool that can help clear your money blocks and attract more abundance into your life.
EFT Tapping is a technique that involves tapping on specific points on your body while focusing on a particular issue.
It helps to release any negative emotions or energy attached to that issue. Regarding money blocks, EFT Tapping can help remove any limiting beliefs or negative emotions holding you back from achieving your financial goals.
5. EFT Tapping Steps
- To start, identify a specific money block you want to remove. For example, you may want to tap on the belief that “Money is evil.”
- Once you’ve identified your money block, start by tapping on the Karate Chop point on your hand.
- As you tap, say out loud or to yourself, “Even though I have this money block, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
- Continue tapping on all the points while repeating this mantra until you feel the energy shift.
- You may also want to add other positive affirmations about abundance and prosperity.
- Remember, the more specific you can be about your money blocks, the more influential the EFT Tapping will be.
6. Setting Small Goals
After you’ve identified your money blocks and challenged them, set small goals you know you can achieve. Once you achieve the set goals, you will build confidence and be able to take on more considerable challenges. You can also surround yourself with positive people who will support your journey to financial freedom.
When you have a strong network of people behind you, Fear of success will no longer be an issue. Instead, you’ll be excited to achieve your goals and create the life you’ve always wanted.
7. Keeping a Money Journal
You can release your money blocks by keeping a record of how you spend your money and how you feel about spending it. Money journaling can help you trace exactly where your money goes and identify what triggers you to overspend. When you understand why you behave the way you do with money, you can begin to work towards a new world of abundance.
8. Working with a Financial Coach
One way of eliminating false beliefs about money is to work with a financial advisor or coach who can help you identify your money blocks and create a plan to overcome them. In addition, the coach will help you manage your money better. They will guide you to save more and pay off debts.
The Bottom Line – Importance of Releasing Money Blocks
One way of achieving financial freedom and living a happy life is to let go of all negative subconscious beliefs about money.
Money management becomes more accessible and practical, allowing you to make the most of your income.
You may also find that your attitude towards money changes, becoming more positive and confident. As a result, you may start to attract more abundance into your life.
Here are 10 benefits of releasing money blocks:
- Improved financial success and money management.
- A more positive attitude towards money.
- Greater abundance in all areas of life.
- Enhanced creativity and the manifestation of power.
- Increased confidence and self-esteem.
- Greater clarity about your financial goals and desires.
- More effective decision-making around money.
- Improved relationships with money and financial institutions.
- Greater peace of mind and financial stability.
- A deep sense of trust in the universe and your ability to create financial abundance.
It takes time and effort to change our money mindset, but it’s worth it if it means achieving our financial goals. Working on our money blocks can open up the possibility for greater abundance in our lives.